Research Objectives Checkpoint
- [ ] Define 1-3 clear research questions (what specifically do you need to learn?)
- [ ] Identify which decisions will be made based on these findings
- [ ] Share objectives with key stakeholders for quick alignment check
- [ ] Create a "scope boundary" - list what is NOT being researched this time
Interview Guide Preparation
- [ ] Draft interview script using appropriate template
- [ ] Review questions for leading language and remove bias
- [ ] Add product-specific questions relevant to your research goals
- [ ] Organize questions in a logical flow (general → specific)
- [ ] Highlight 3-5 "must-ask" questions if time runs short
- [ ] Prepare any stimulus materials (prototypes, concepts, etc.)
- [ ] Do a quick test run - time yourself reading through the guide
Technical Rescue Preparations
- [ ] Select and test your recording/note-taking tools
- [ ] Create backup recording method (phone recording, etc.)
- [ ] Prepare shareable links/files if showing designs or prototypes
- [ ] Test your internet connection and video conferencing setup
- [ ] Prepare a "tech failure" contingency plan